L’exposition se focalise sur les œuvres politiques de Richard Hamilton, qui s’attaque au terrorisme, au musée, à la presse… L’accrochage permet de comprendre le processus créatif de l’artiste, et les différentes manières qu’il a de traiter le matériel photographique. La série Swingeing London 67 est une satire de la presse britannique. En février 1967, Mick Jagger et le marchand d’art Robert Fraser sont arrêtés au domicile de Keith Richards pour possession de substances illicites. Les tabloïds se déchaînent, c’est un véritable scandale. Un collage d’articles de journaux relatifs à l’affaire en témoigne, et la photographie des suspects est reproduite suivant différentes techniques. Richard Hamilton tourne en dérision la lourdeur de la société britannique qui porte au pilori les deux suspects menottés, une tradition qui traîne un pas lourd plutôt qu’elle ne swingue… Jusqu’au 25 avril.
The exhibition points on Richard Hamilton’s political works. They refer to terrorism, museum, or press. The display brings into focus the artist’s working process, and the different ways he uses photographic material. The series Swingeing London 67 is a satire of british press. In february 1967, Mick Jagger and the art dealer Robert Fraser are arrested for possession of illegal substances at the home of Keith Richards. The press makes it a scandal, virulent attacks are published in tabloids. A collage of newspaper articles tells the stories in details. The picture of the two handcuffed suspects is reproduced with different techniques. Richard Hamilton protests against the british establishment, in a swingeing rather than swinging London… Until april 25th.
The exhibition points on Richard Hamilton’s political works. They refer to terrorism, museum, or press. The display brings into focus the artist’s working process, and the different ways he uses photographic material. The series Swingeing London 67 is a satire of british press. In february 1967, Mick Jagger and the art dealer Robert Fraser are arrested for possession of illegal substances at the home of Keith Richards. The press makes it a scandal, virulent attacks are published in tabloids. A collage of newspaper articles tells the stories in details. The picture of the two handcuffed suspects is reproduced with different techniques. Richard Hamilton protests against the british establishment, in a swingeing rather than swinging London… Until april 25th.
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